
**Double Shear Lug Analysis (Ref:AFFDL-TR-69-42)

This rendition of the Airforce Lug Analysis currently supports symmetric lugs only. It returns the Ultimate Lug Allowable load for any the geometric configuration within the bounds of the method.**

Future upgrades may include Limit and Fatigue allowable loads. By changing the plasticity coefficients to 1.0 (plastic bending assumption) and changing the allowable to limit or fatigue (cycles>1.E9), my contention is you might get some useful information with this method. Of course, test is always the best validation for critical joints, but, this historical analysis method gives a reasonable solution and starting point for many typical lug configurations.

The Lug Program Includes a user modifiable material database (.mdb) using Microsoft Access and several example lugs (*.lug)

Lug FORM: Cartoon of LUG begin analyzed. Critical calculations highlighted in salmon color. Material selections in light blue. Curve Plotting in green.

Expandable material database

Basic Lug Geometry: