**Double Shear Lug Analysis (Ref:AFFDL-TR-69-42)
This rendition of the Airforce Lug Analysis currently supports symmetric lugs only. It returns the Ultimate Lug Allowable load for any the geometric configuration within the bounds of the method.**
This rendition of the Airforce Lug Analysis currently supports symmetric lugs only. It returns the Ultimate Lug Allowable load for any the geometric configuration within the bounds of the method.**
Future upgrades may include Limit and Fatigue allowable loads. By changing the plasticity coefficients to 1.0 (plastic bending assumption) and changing the allowable to limit or fatigue (cycles>1.E9), my contention is you might get some useful information with this method. Of course, test is always the best validation for critical joints, but, this historical analysis method gives a reasonable solution and starting point for many typical lug configurations.
Future upgrades may include Limit and Fatigue allowable loads. By changing the plasticity coefficients to 1.0 (plastic bending assumption) and changing the allowable to limit or fatigue (cycles>1.E9), my contention is you might get some useful information with this method. Of course, test is always the best validation for critical joints, but, this historical analysis method gives a reasonable solution and starting point for many typical lug configurations.
The Lug Program Includes a user modifiable material database (.mdb) using Microsoft Access and several example lugs (*.lug)
The Lug Program Includes a user modifiable material database (.mdb) using Microsoft Access and several example lugs (*.lug)
Lug FORM: Cartoon of LUG begin analyzed. Critical calculations highlighted in salmon color. Material selections in light blue. Curve Plotting in green.
Expandable material database
Basic Lug Geometry: